Documentaries with smartphones. VR Videos. Anything moving image. Can be Shorts. Features. Imagefilms. Animations. Ads. Analogue Photography. Why, you need something? Sure we can freelance! Contact us!
Check out our VR Page, best with your VR glasses and some headphones to enjoy spatial audio. Good for the office @ lunch time we reckon! Feel free to subscribe. #YouTube #Facebook
A documentary, an unplanned cheesy smartphone documentary and some short movies we did when we were little.
Since we are based in Germany, a small report about beer is a must.
When we are bored we do sound design for shorts (fiction / doc). Gives us some kind of kick!
Music we love and concerts even more. Well, some of us anyway. Therefore to have videos like this in our portfolio is a must-have.
Emberassed to go see a doc with your men-questions? No worries, there might be some answers @ Frag den Urologen (Still we advice to go drop your pants anyway, sorry lads!).
We admit, when we were little we had issues – and a Waldorf Blofeld. The Blofeld is still around, the issues are gone. We are into goats now instead. This thing with the snails became way too weird…
Before you go mad watching the same shows with your kids over and over again, we helped to invent something new. Check out… and if you want, send us your stuff and participate – to prevent other parents from loosing it!
We also love to explore different kind of analogue cameras, films and self developing at home in our professional high-end bathroom devlab. Not only we know how to cross process film, but also how to remove the Remjet layer on Kodak Vision 3😎